Monday, October 12, 2009

Dry Skin

When the seasons change, so does our skin – at least for some of us! Changes in the weather can adversely affect our skin, especially in the water. In the winter our skin loses water and oil. It begins to feel dull, flakey and dry due to an insufficient production of sebum, which is a natural oil the body produces. Some people produce more sebum then others, and those that do produce more tend to have oily skin. Either way, they can both be problematic, especially in the winter. The dry chilly air tends sap the oil and moisture from the skin. For some it can be slightly painful, while others are not bothered at all.

Applying lotion to the skin in the winter may not be enough. One should consider applying a heavier moisturizer like body butter and creams. Choose products that actually penetrate the skin. These types of products shouldn’t contain excessive amounts of water, mineral oil and petroleum jelly. Read your labels. If water, mineral oil and petroleum jelly are among the first five ingredients, then you are less likely to cure your dry skin issues. You need natural oils, shea butter and aloe vera. These types of ingredients actually penetrate the skin upon first use and many are hypoallergenic. Subtle Essence offers multiple products that can help treat your dry skin. We offer:

· Bath and Body Oil
· Body Butter Love
· Ash Buster
· All Natural Coconut Oil
· Just Shea

Log on to our website to place your order!

* For best results, always apply your moisturizer immediately after bathing. Your skin absorbs and retains oils quickly.
* Avoid taking hot baths/showers. Hot water tends to dry out the skin.
* A healthy balanced diet contributes to great skin.
* Milk baths and soaps that contain milk actually helps to replenish moisture in the skin.
* Use petroleum jelly to coat and protect the skin. It should be used to protect the skin from the cold.

Friday, October 2, 2009

My Hair does NOT control ME!

My Hair does NOT control ME! I watched Oprah where she interviewed Chris Rock and Solange about how women allow our HAIR to control our lives. Many women invest thousands of dollars into their hair, whether its a weave, braids, perms, hair color, etc. Women are - at times - held bondage by their hair.

We can't swim because we don't want to get our hair wet. We don't work out because we don't want our scalp/hair to sweat. We don't want our men touching our hair "cause he don't know its not mine" or we just don't want him to mess it up. We sleep with our head hanging off the bed or we sleep "pretty" so we don't mess up our hair. Our hair controls us. It defines who we are and what we do.

Starting today - free yourself from the bondage of your hair!! Stop letting it control YOU! Don't get me wrong, we all want to look fabulous, but the question is - to what extent? Solange mentioned she spent tens of thousands of dollars to maintain "perfect hair". And for what? To impress someone else.

Women have strong opinions about what most people call "good hair". Good hair is NOT straight, curly, nor wavy. Its NOT black, brown, blonde or grey. Its NOT short, long or shoulder length. Good hair is healthy hair - regardless as to whether is virgin or chemically treated. The question is - is it clean and healthy?

I've always chemically straightened [perm] my hair and I use hair color. It's the best choice FOR ME! But the bottom line is that it's the way I like it, manageable, and its healthy. I don't alter my life around my hair. So what if my friends and family don't like it - I LIKE IT! Its MY HAIR!

My sister has virgin hair and its thick, its healthy, and its beautiful - she's beautiful! My good friend cut all her hair off and she looks fabulous!!Some wear wigs because they want to be versatile, while other choose braids.

Whatever your choice, whatever your style, don't be held captive by your hair! Forget what people think! Forget what HE likes! What do you like! My primary focus is maintaining healthy hair, while styling is secondary. Aside from a perm and hair color, all other products I use on my hair are gentle and natural and my hair is healthy. When its wet, it's a mess! Humidity destroys my style! But what matters to me most is that its clean, its healthy!

Subtle Essence offers all natural hair care products. Our top sellers this month has been the Detangle Pudding, Silky Hair Butter and the Herbal Treatment. We also offer Virgin Coconut Oil, Renaissance Hair Oil, Leave In Conditioners, Pomades and other all natural products designed to promote growth of stronger, healthier hair!

Order your products online by visiting our website. or e-mail us at .

You can also host your own Subtle Party where you may receive product demonstrations and learn more about healthy skin and hair. E-mail us at for more information.